We all know something about bees, flowers, and fruit. We see bees drink nectar in flowers.
Why does the flower make and give nectar to the bee?
What does the bee give the flower in return?
Animals and plants help each other in nature in many ways. The biggest, most successful example is flowering plants and their pollinators bees, humming birds, fruit bats, beetles…etc. In this chapter we learn about how flowering plants and pollinators help each other to lead rich, successful lives.
Model Steps:
- Apple tree makes a flower.
- Flower has colors, scents, and nectar to attract a bee.
- Bee eats nectar and gets flower pollen on its legs.
- Bee travels from plant to plant spreading pollen.
- When pollen reaches seed, flower dies.
- Fruit grows from flower’s base.
- Mature fruit falls from tree.
- Horse or other animal eats the apple, spreading the seeds in its poop.
Suggested Links To Get Started:Draw color and label our model of flowering plants. Click
- How does the flower attract the bee? Why?
- How does the bee help the flowering plant?
- How does the tree help the horse? Why?
- How does the horse help the tree? Why?