How do plants and animals help each other?
What is the scientific relationship between plants and animals?
How can I understand and appreciate more about how nature works through science and the arts?
When I breathe, I don't breathe alone. All life on Earth inhales and exhales all the time.
In this chapter you will learn about how carbon moves between plants, animals, and the air.
You will learn about the beautiful, interlocking relationship between plants and animals.
Model Steps: 1. Water goes up plant’s roots.
2. Plant sucks the water up to its leaves.
3. Plant uses sunlight to separate water molecule.
4. Plant breathe out the oxygen gas, holding the hydrogen protons.
5. Animal breathes in the Oxygen.
6. Animal breaths out Carbon Dioxide.
7. Plant breaths in Carbon Dioxide
8. Plant mixes CO2 with the H to make their food, glucose, simple sugar, carbohydrate.
Suggested Links To Get Started:1. Start by Drawing the Biological Carbon Cycle. Choose to Draw level 1 or level 2 below.
Level 1: Click
Level 2: Click
2. Listen to, read, and sing along with bio carbon cycle music video
3. Listen to and read along with bio carbon cycle illustrated texts
Here. Choose grade and reading level.
Questions Elementary:1. What do plants drink in through their roots?
2. What do plants breathe out?
3. What do animals breathe in?
4. What do animals breathe out?
5. What do plants breathe in?
6. List three things which plants need in order to live and make its food.
7. Describe three things about the relationship between plants and animals.
8. Plants breathe out ___________, which animals breathe in.
9. Animals breathe out ___________, which plants breathe in.
10. Plants make their own____________ which stores the energy of the sun.
11. Food that plants make is called _____________________, or simple sugar.
12. What is the relationship between plants and animals?
Questions Middle School:
1. Why do plants need water? What do plants do with the water they drink?
2. Why do plants breathe out oxygen?
3. Where does the oxygen which plants breathe out come from?
4. Why do animals breathe in oxygen?
5. What do animals do with the oxygen they breathe in?
6. What does the oxygen which animals breathe in turn into?
7. Why do animals breathe out carbon dioxide?
8. Where does the carbon dioxide which animals breathe out come from?
Questions High School:
1. How does the plant use sunlight?
2. What does the sunlight do to the water molecule?
3. Where does the oxygen that the Plant breathes out come from?
4. What does the Plant do with the hydrogen that comes off of the water molecule?
5. What is the charge of the hydrogen ions which are stripped off of the water molecules by the sunlight? Why?
6. Describe and explain the complex biochemical relationship between plants and animals.
7. Describe and explain how photosynthesis works.
8. Describe and explain cellular respiration and the Krepp’s cycle.
9. Describe the relationship between plants and animals.